Doctors: Overrated

The last time I went to the doctor, he looked at me blankly, told me an impressively boring anecdote about online dating and then gave me a prescription for antibiotics. No test or actual thinking was performed. If I wanted someone who was just making it up, I would go to that homeless guy who shits on the building downtown in broad daylight and ask him for medical advice. He'd probably let me pay him in toilet paper, and with the PPO, maybe I would pay 20 sheets and the insurance would cover the rest.
At any rate, the point I'm making here is that doctors don't know any more about their jobs than you know about yours or than, say, pilots know about theirs. We're all just making shit up between coffee breaks and secretly conducting personal business online.
Amen sistuh. I feel disgusted after every doctor's appointment by the system that forces me to waste so much time to pay someone of sub-par intellect just to get a note saying I can buy some medicine.
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