Meaning of Life Found to be Meaningless: Irony Ensues

Endlessly trying to beat back BO is the thread that unites mankind. Ever since cave persons began rubbing themselves with feces to cover up their dirty, dirty whore stink, man has striven for ever better methods of smelling less bad. Think about it. What is the sign of prosperity? A clean, oderless society with endless shelves of deodorant, antiperspirant and perfume. We should stop trying to feed the poor, and start shipping them feminine hygiene spray.
Forget your dreams. Dreams mean nothing. Your career? Pointless. The one shining moment you have on this earth is the one minute after you get out of the shower and begin dousing your gleaming stenchless body with deoderizers. Cherish it bitch.
Cherish it.
hahahahahahahahh LOL made laugh :D
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