
10 reasons you should kill yourself

1. Nobody likes you. At least nobody you want to like you likes you. They probably talk about you when you aren't there. "Hey, I'm glad they're gone, can you believe what they wore to work today? I know, I can't tell if its the cologne or just stink."

2. You are in debt. Seriously, you just keep racking it up like you're going to die tomorrow anyway. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life just working to pay that debt off so some corporation can rest peacefully while you rot?

3. You are not important. You'll work your entire life trying to make a name for yourself, to be important. Nobody will remember you.

4. The world sucks. Wars, famine, pestilence and terrorists. Why stick around?

5. You are ugly. Have you turned on the TV lately? Any show or commercial will clue you in to the fact that you are NOT attractive.

6. The Lord Of The Rings film trilogy is complete. There will be no more.

7. You could die in a car wreck, which is much more painful than sitting in the garage with the car running while you fall asleep. I'm just saying.

8. You hate your job. Unless you like waking up every morning to go to a place full of people you hate, in a company you hate. If you dig that, thats your Bobby Brown. But this means you are stupid and should go ahead and kill yourself. (See #9)

9. You are stupid. Help God thin the herd before he throws lightning at you. Are you an astronaut? A Scientist? No? You work in a cubicle writing reports? Yeah, that means you are retarded and are not making the earth better. You're just using up the air that the rest of us would like to have.

10. Robots. Think about it.

Guest Post by Chad, Defamer colleague


Anonymous Anonymous said...

/fake mustache and disguised voice on


/fake mustache and disguised voice off

7:44 AM  

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