It’s Time For God To Lay The Smite Down

This can’t really be filed under “Daily Defamation,” per se. But today’s post is my feeble attempt to reach out to Christians, a group I’ve defamed mercilessly in the past. Actually, while I’m at it, I’d like to reach out to Jews too. And Muslims. Well, pretty much anybody who believes in a vengeful, angry God.
Why? Mainly because I'm hoping they're right, and that all the corporate scoundrels currently running amok in America are dealt a long, painfully ironic sentence in hell when they inevitably get there. Like, I don’t know...getting ass-raped by the fuselage of a DC-10.
In case Northwest decides to pull the article somehow, here it is in non-link form. Those sensitive airlines!
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bankrupt Northwest Airlines advised workers to fish in the trash for things they like or take their dates for a walk in the woods in a move to help workers facing the ax to save money.
The No. 5 U.S. carrier, which has slashed most employees' pay and is looking to cut jobs as it prepares to exit bankruptcy, put the tips in a booklet handed out to about 50 workers and posted for a time on its employee Web site.
The section, entitled "101 ways to save money", does not feature in new versions of the booklet or the Web site.
Northwest spokesman Roman Blahoski said some employees who received the handbook had taken issue with a couple of the items. "We agree that some of these suggestions and tips ... were a bit insensitive," Blahoski told Reuters.
The four-page booklet, "Preparing for a Financial Setback" contained suggestions such as shopping in thrift stores, taking "a date for a walk along the beach or in the woods" and not being "shy about pulling something you like out of the trash." The booklet was part of a 150-page packet to ground workers, such as baggage handlers, whose jobs will likely be cut after their union agreed to allow the airline to outsource some of their work, Blahoski said.
Prepared with the help of an outside company, the booklet encourages employees to manage their money better and prepare for financial emergencies.
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