The World is Full of Injustice, You Useless Fuck-wit

Your mother probably told you that complaining is bad, but she was wrong about that and premarital sex. Complaining is good because it corrects injustice and annoyingness; however, the majority of complaining is being done by a handful of people who have been labeled as trouble-makers, grinches, curmudgeons, bad-apples, assholes, jerks, bitches, and lawyers. The rest of you are just riding our coat-tails and enjoying your non-sweatshop working conditions, office espresso machines, non-carcinogenic insulation, health insurance, non-lethal medications, and scalding hot liquid warning labels while being thought of as "nice" and getting promoted to managing brown-nosing-weasel for being such a "team player."
The next time you open a puffed-up bag of chips to find the bag is only 1/8 full and that, despite being cushioned with air, 75% of the chips are crushed in to a greasy mash, don't look at me.
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