You Can’t Overestimate the Importance of Not Sucking

Not sucking is an important factor, dare I say a necessity, in your quest for success. Too bad for you that 99% of people suck hard.
Why do people suck? That's a question for the ages that I will answer here in a few concise sentences. I guess it all started when God created man. It didn't turn out that well, but God was like, "Fuck it." There were other solar systems in the universe.
Later that epoch, the 21st century happened. People still sucked, but God was too busy to slap them around like he did back in the Old Testament. The only consolation was that life on Earth was miserable, and that man was too stupid to invent functional space craft to escape himself and dirty up another planet.
In conclusion, Man has failed because of his innate suckitude. That's why today, we all sit in our cubicles vowing to go on a diet and secretly shopping online instead of doing important things like our worthless jobs.