Dear Stupid Cunt Guy Riding your Douche-bag Touring Bike Around the Lake with no Helmet,
What is your problem? I realize that you are slow on your bike, and probably a little in the head, but that is no reason to swerve in front of serious bikers who are going faster than you in a way that could have potentially injured people who might actually add some sort of value to society, at a minimum by increasing the normal-human-being to douche ratio. This is especially heinous since you did it on purpose, and then when you were rightfully flipped off, you rode super-fast on your training bike to get in front of those bikers and return the bird before making a u-turn to skulk back to you burrow or den or toilet or what ever crappy place you live in.
At least one of a few things is at work here. First, you probably have a shit job because you are a stupid cunt hated by all. Aforementioned shit job is making you lash out at people who are better than you, which includes pretty much everyone. Secondly, your wife might be a frigid and controlling bitch. I know she was the best you could do, but there is a time when a blow-up doll is a step-up, especially since plastic girls know when to keep their fucking mouths shut (in a manner of speaking). Thirdly, you may have had your penis severed in a freak accident. Fourthly, you may have been watching the local news a lot lately, and let's face it, stupid people are fucking annoying.